This is the GFLseg package for multiple change-point detection in multi-dimensional signals. Copyright 2009-2011, Kevin Bleakley and Jean-Philippe Vert. INTRODUCTION GFLseg implements the group fused Lasso method for multiple change-point detections in a multidimensional signal. Two algorithms are implemented. The first is an exact solver for the group fused Lasso. The second is the group fused LARS, which is faster but less accurate. In addition, segmentation by dynamic programming is also implemented. This is more accurate but much slower. GFLseg contains also functions to automatically process array CGH data. INSTALLATION To run this software you need MATLAB (tested on MATLAB 7, version R2009b). To use the software, you just need to let MATLAB know where the functions are. For this, suppose the current file is in the directory "/GFLseg". You need to start MATLAB and, at the command prompt type: >> addpath(genpath('/GFLseg')) USAGE If you have a p-dimensional signal of length n in a n*p matrix Y, the simplest way to use GFLseg is to type at the MATLAB prompt: >> segmentation = simpleGFL(Y) It will find candidate change-points in Y with the group Lars method, and then fine-tune the change-point selection with dynamic programming. The location of the change-points will be available in the segmentation.jumps vector. For more details and options, type: >> help simpleGFL The simpleGFL function is a wrapper for several functions that perform specific tasks. You can call also them directly: gflars.m : segmentation with the group fused LARS for a given number of breakpoints. gflasso.m : segmentation with the group fused Lasso for a given set of regularization parameter(s). gflassoK.m : segmentation with the group fused Lasso for a given number of breakpoints. gflassoKatleast.m : segmentation with the group fused Lasso for at least a given number of breakpoints. dpseg.m : segmentation by dynamic programming and automatic selection of the number of change-points If you have CGH array data, you may directly type the following to perform joint segmentation on each chromosome and output a file in seeGH format: >> gainlossCGH(clonefile,datafile,outfile) The "demo/" directory contain a number of demonstration scripts to illustrate the use of GFLseg. For each function, detailed explanations and available options are obtained by typing at the Matlab prompt: >> help LICENSE GFLseg is licensed under the GPL version 3 or any later version (see LICENSE) REFERENCE If you use this package please cite the following reference: K. Bleakley and J.-P. Vert, The group fused Lasso for multiple change-point detection. 2011. CONTACT